Thursday 2 February 2012

Insight from TMC Intern - Sarah Whitrick

Hi, my name is Sarah and I am an intern at The Mighty Creatives. The reason I applied for an internship with TMC is because they are so flexible and offer lots of great opportunities; it’s like having your own tailor-made internship. My interests are working with young people (particularly early years) and the Community. Getting an internship with TMC was great because I get to do what I want. The team, particularly Ben and Daisy, were brilliant in offering me opportunities and experiences that they think may interest you. They really make my internship feel personal, like it is centred around what I want rather than what TMC wants.

I have been an intern for over 2 months now and I’ve already done so many things and had so many opportunities. This includes working with Hazel, who specialises in Early Years and planning and training to carry out confidence-building workshops with young people – something of which I am really excited about. I go in to the TMC office every week on a Wednesday – the time always goes too fast! At the moment we are working on the workshops with a view to carry them out in the next few weeks. However, my internship does not just stop there. Daisy and Ben are constantly offering me exciting and unique projects and experiences that they think will interest me. For example, I am applying to a Young Workshops Leaders Scheme with Curve at the moment; something which was made accessible to me through TMC.

I get so much out of my internship that is constantly developing my skills as well as giving me great things to write on my CV. The workshop training I am receiving will eventually allow me to run a workshop under supervision with young people. Another brilliant thing about my TMC internship is that the team are never hesitant to help me with my University studies. They are a continuous source for resources and knowledge they are always willing to help me in any way that they can. Not only this, TMC gives me the freedom to get involved with the organisation. For example, during my first week of the internship, I got to help make improvements to the TMC office as well as offer advice on how to update the website. Most weeks, it hardly feels like an internship at all; I have been made so welcomed by everyone that it feels like I am a part of the team too!

Sarah Whitrick, DMU Performing Arts Student

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