Friday 11 November 2011

Takeover Day 2011 at The Mighty Creatives

Three young people joined TMC on 11.11.11 in our second year of Takeover Day. Takeover Day gives children and young people the chance to work with adults for the day and be involved in decision-making.

Children benefit from the opportunity to experience the world of work and make their voices heard, while adults and organisations gain a fresh perspective on what they do.

This year ...
Ben Kingston (Participation Manager) has been taken over by Anas Mohamed aged 13 years who attends Rushey Mead School

Sophie Baczynski (Programme Coordinator) has been taken over by Barnaby Nyombi aged 13 years who attends Lancaster School

AD Durnin (Project Manager) has been taken over by Zara Akram aged 14 years who attends Madani High School

See how they've got on below:
Hello my name is Anas Mohamed and I’m here for takeover day. Takeover day is a chance for young people to take over an adults job. For example I will be taking over Ben Kingston Hughes job for the day and he is a participation manager at the mighty creative also known as the TMC. My day started of by meeting two friendly people Manisha and Sophie. They introduced us to the peoples jobs we were going to take over and filling us in on what we are going to be doing today. They took us upstairs and introduced us to Ben and AD. Ben was who I was going to be for the day. Ben has a really cool job, his job is that young people get involved in the mighty creative work and the work of others. Manisha and Sophie gave us Ipads that were just delivered so we could open them up and put covers on them. After that we were shown around the office and we were shown our desks and our computers. We were introduced to jass from rare, she is a graphic designer and she wanted our opinion on a web page she is coming back and if it is liked then she will so I hope I it is successful. We went to the old library on belvior street which is now an adult education centre and a photograph gallery. The pictures were great but there was an amazing sand sculpture which was very fascinating. We just had lunch which was very belly bursting and met the rest of the workers and im just going to watch a storyteller which is apparently brilliant. I would like to thank the team TMC and this brilliant opportunity. :P

Hi, I am Barnaby Nyombi and I am on the takeover day 2011.I have taken over Sophie’s Job and right now I have just had lunch. The day so far has been great. Everyone has been really friendly since the moment I got here. First when we were designing the new Journal website for ‘The Mighty Creative centre’ there was lots of ideas and now I am waiting to see if our plans our successful and will look right for the final cut. When we went to the Library it was very interesting and the art was just amazing. From the sand made sculptures to the photography of the trained Leicester mercury photos. We were interviewed by three other takeover people, my one’s name was Thaisle. For lunch we had Domino’s pizza. Nearly all of it was gone by the end as it was very nice pizza. Now I am just writing this blog, waiting to see our website ideas put into a design, I hope it turned out ok, as so far, it has been a good day. ;)

Hi my name is Zara Akram, today I have been taking over the Journals and the mobile TMC. Today has been pretty amazing because there have been many activities going on for example we were able to create our own web page which I was fascinated by, we also went to the old central library which was really great, when we were there we had been interviewed by other students who were doing takeover day, they asked some interesting questions about what we would get out of this experience, why we chose this specific job to takeover and how this job will help me . After today I hope to build my confidence, become a bit more understanding of the other different roles s which will help me in the future. I have really enjoyed taking over Journals and the mobile TMC because it is different and I am glad that I am working here for the day.

Listen to them share their day at:

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